Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Goodbye Charlie

Charlie was picked up over the weekend. And Kimmy will be picked up on Feb 14. Let's hope that she is just the first of may

 Wendell moved into Charlie's condo. He really liked the scratchy pole that we put in to stop him scratching the mesh. And the tennis ball. And the soft toy. He reminds me of Cody so is probably just a big kitten.
Joy took photos of some of the kittens. This is the mixed litter: Dale, Danny and Diana but we don't know who is which.
Dale, Danny, Diana

Dale, Danny, Diana

Eden and Emily
Eden and Emily now occupy a stand alone cage: much more viewable. There is a series of desex ops scheduled for this and next week so tell everybody who wants one that we have kittens just in time for the end of the school holidays.

A couple from Artarmon brought in a pretty grey kitten who they found wandering the neighbourhood. They doorknocked all around but couldn't find the owner. They phoned Dr Kim who has our number on her answering machine. They brought the kitten to us to see if it has a microchip. It doesn't. They took it home again because a neighbour said "I'll have it". My guess is that the kitten saw the kids go off to school and followed but couldn't find a way home. 

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