Friday, January 3, 2020

Sooty Shoots Through

When I arrived from picking up 20 bags of litter from Arundel Park, all was under control at Safe Haven. Dishes were washed, floors swept, last few condos to be done by the four volunteers. And the family of two adult men and one boy who stayed for HOURS to play with one kitten at a time had finally left. Then Joan got to Sooty to clean. She opened the door a crack and Sooty shot over her head, through the air to the other side of the room and hid behind the block of condo's next to the giant climbing tree. 

Other cats have hidden there. We have an established technique that involves a broom, a blanket and the magic gauntlets. All primed, Sooty was encouraged out from behind the condos. But instead of coming into the open, she opted for climbing up the "art work" behind the climbing tree. She only got half way up, hung there for a while then dropped to the ground. She was grabbed by Tim's gauntlets and hustled back into her condo. On the way she managed to bite through the leather but didn't break any flesh. Those gauntlets will be washed/bleached/F10'd.

So now, Sooty knows that her condo is a safe place and that "out there" is fraught with brooms, unscalable heights, shivering blankets and squeezing blue hands.

After we caught our breath. . . . all was peaceful again. As I had been to Arundel Park I didn't have any grass to distribute. I don't think Charlie will ever forgive me.
Candice's kittens are much better. They are eating well but unfortunately being eaten by fleas. They have been treated and the fleas are in a death frenzy and driving them mad. I decided the black and white one with half a moustache should be called Cemi (because it has to start with C rather than S). But Tim's Mum has names for them already.

C kittens
 Candice's sister Bonnie looks younger and younger. She is definitely not pregnant any more.
Candace has decided that she likes to be patted. Her purr is amazing. . . . probably because her lungs are still full of flu so the reverberations are legend. 

Candace with two hands patting

 I spent some time with Blossom who seems much happier in her bottom, small condo. She has put on 250gm since the last weigh in. I gave her a soft bed because she has old bones. She will have another thyroid test next Tuesday.


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