Thursday, January 30, 2020

Another whisker

While I was giving Blossom some attention this afternoon I noticed that she has a short whisker on her jaw bone, below her ear. She has one on each side which match. I had not noticed these back whiskers before. Tim hadn't noticed them either. Then he looked at other cats and some have them and others don't.
Caramel doesn't have them.
Candace has very visible white ones. (I gave her a corrugated scratchy pole for something to do). And I stood beside Evie and unravelled the feather toys to entertain her.)

I gave Samantha a scratchy pole. She was not impressed.

Buffy's skin is looking much better and less itchy. The hair is growing back on the shaved areas.
 I decided that the tiny kittens should be called Fred(a) and Ginger as they play footsies. Tim says that they hope to have a naming competition for them as a fund raiser, if they can figure out how to do it.
I washed their feet which were much better than on Wednesday. Apart from a footprint on the back of Ginger's neck, he was quite clean and excessively wiggly. Freda's feet were the usual skate board of hardened poo. But she purred loudly while I soaked her feet and picked turds from between her toenails. They were rewarded by food. No wonder their tummy's are so round.
Ginger and Freda

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