Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Spit and polish

I did go to SH last Friday but the camera was out of battery so I didn't blog. The situation is the same today. We are in emergency clean up and sterilise mode. Wesley and Winston (the two strays who came in with their sister Tammy) developed feline panleucopenia  which demonstrates that they had never been vaccinated against this virus. They died despite Tim's efforts. Tammy is still OK. She doesn't have any symptoms yet. But we have lots of other cats who haven't yet been vaccinated, including all the kittens.

So very strict protocols have been introduced including new gloves for every condo, bleach for wiping down condos, chuck the Chux, F10 the worker between each cat, no unnecessary handling of the cats, not cats playing around the place, bleach swabbing of floors. It should only have to be this strict for two weeks until all possibility of lingering viruses are eliminated. Then we can get back to normal.

Today there were lots of volunteers which made the work get done in time for Tim to have a couple of hours off in the middle of the day early afternoon.

The boarders are all well (so far). There are some gorgeous cats.

Poor Jimmy couldn't go for his usual wander.
And Kimmy was not pleased not to get her usual cuddles.
Candace is looking better and she can breathe through her nose  at last. Her two surviving kittens are doing well.
Penny hadn't eaten anything for 2 days but managed to scoff her breakfast today.

And Eve wants out.


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