Friday, January 10, 2020

Washing kittens

I didn't go to Safe Haven yesterday because I had visitors from the US to entertain (at the Zoo). But Sandy mentioned that Tim was disappointed that I wasn't there to wash the tiny kittens who have taken to walking in their poo (not in the litter box) and then climbing over each other. What a job mother cats have!

So I went there this afternoon to deliver grass to delighted cats and wash less than delighted kittens.

The tortie was the most tolerant of my combing and pulling.

The larger ginger, also known as Mr Wiggle, did not like it at all and fought me every inch. He, naturally, had most poo stuck to his fur.

The little ginger, was lethargic so let me do what I needed to do most of the time. Or I got the job done while he was resting. But then he passed some wet blood and Tim rang the vet. They will all go home with Tim tonight and visit the vet first thing in the morning. Fingers crossed for the little ginger.

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