Tuesday, January 7, 2020

More kittens

First the good news: Pepi has been adopted to an older couple who have grandchildren.
We were asked to clean the kittens first, even before the borders. Catsie had to hold the kittens while I cleaned their condos. . . . I gave her the hard job.

This little, white and grey tabby boy has shy eyes but is quite engaged with people and toys. Tim thought that the folk who dropped him off called him Nemo. But he is not ginger and white striped so we will probably change that name.

 There are three tiny kittens who prefer to hide in a cat cave. They haven't quite got the hang of the litter tray. So while I was cleaning crap off the tail of one, he obligingly pooed for me. There are two ginger tabbies and a grey tortie girl.
 We moved the M's: Mozart, Monti, Mikado and Madonna to a condo out back across from the feeding station. They had knocked over their water, probably yesterday, so all headed for the clean water bowls. The sound of lapping was loud.
Madonna, Mikado, Monti, Mozart
I think I have brushed most of Caramel's winter coat off her back and sides. While she was sitting beside her food bowl waiting for more pats, I noticed that she has a white chest and tummy with a grey mark on her chest that is shaped like half a heart. I suggested to Tim that she should be our Valentine cat . . . . . "mend my broken heart, adopt me".

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