Thursday, January 23, 2020

Jimmy adopted

Couldn't have happened to an nicer cat. And I am lucky that he has been adopted by my cousin so that he is now a member of my family.

I will try to get a photo of him tomorrow in situ, in North Sydney when I drop off the harness that Cody no longer needs.*

Jimmy will need to learn to walk on a leash because my cousin has a house at Bar Point which is up the Hawkesbury River, accessible only by boat. There is no road on Bar Point, just a line of houses along the waterfront. So Jimmy will have to learn where his property lines are by being walked to them, and not beyond them, on the leash. Luckily today, he went into his new carry cage like an angel.

Today might have been the last time that I need to wash the bottoms of the tiny kittens. They have been seen grooming each other and their poos are much firmer. The boy didn't need to be dunked into the bath to soften the poo on his rear end today. But the girl did need a dunk to get the poo from between her toes. From which I infer that she is cleaning him better than he is cleaning her.

* Cody and I have trained each other for outside walks. Yesterday morning there was a brush turkey in the back yard. Cody snuck up behind a tree to get closer to the bird who calmly walked by him (within two feet) to the other side of the yard. 
Cody and brush turkey

Cody vanquished the turkey

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