Tuesday, December 29, 2020

78 and counting

I was Boss Cocky today so that Tim could have 5 days off in a row over Christmas. Considering that he hasn't had more that one day off at a time for months, he probably didn't know what to do with himself. When I arrived (super early because of delicious lock down trafficless-ness) I was all ready to shift bags of poo into various rubbish tins. But it was Tuesday. The garbos don't come until Wednesday. Bugger. But then I realised that the accupunturists in the front building are off until Jan 4 and their rubbish bin was left out front. Aha! I thought, I will fill it up with poo bags. But, by the time I got down there this afternoon, it has already been filled up by somebody else. Grrrr. The garbos will have been and gone by the time I get there tomorrow for a regular vollie morning. Not counting boarders we have 78 cats and kittens in residence. Isabella is really Is-a-belly. She is full of kittens. At least 5 to match our running average this season. Perhaps tonight. Unfortunately I didn't have any newspaper to put into her condo for her to rip up.
I tried to wash off the pink stain on Primrose's poitrine. But it is permanent. Perhaps we can market her as a punk kitten with pink hair.
Rosie is getting used to us. She now faces the mesh rather than the wall.
A woman in lockdown in Avalon called to ask if there was any chance that somebody could get a kitten to her. Everybody in the family really wants a new cat to fill the hole left by the 15year old cat who had to be put down a month ago. He was a big, ginger. She fancies another ginger (?Leo) or a tortie kitten (?Primrose). I could bring a kitten home for them to meet. And perhaps Cody and Jo would fall in love with it while it was here overnight. (Dream on, Prue). Another family came to choose a kitten for their daughter. It will have to go with their dog. So they brought the dog as well, in Dad's arms. The dog is a chihuahua with long, curly hair. It shivered in the dad's arms but didn't say a word. I think a cat/kitten would gain supremacy without any blood being drawn. The daughter took photos, they will be back.

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