Friday, December 11, 2020

Christmas Cheer

I was late to SH this afternoon because we had our break up lunch for Friday morning tennis. As I got there Tim left with his two tiny kittens and another new cat to Chris the vet. Irene was still doing stuff so I got to my appointed task of taking photos for next year's calendar. I was not very successful. Ollie was more interested in being brushed and/or patted than posing by a prop.
The Ra family was trying to find the food hidden in the tree.
We tried out Mia and Belle in the play place. They were happy enough to be stroked, had a little explore but spent most of their time huddled together in the corner. Not a merry Xmas photo.
Earlier in the day, Irene had put Mini/RubyG and her grey kittens into the play place. They had a marvellous time. The kittens climbed to the top of the green labyrinth thingy. It did Mini/RubyG the world of good. She was very happy to have lots of pats later in the afternoon from me rather than hissing at me. As Tim was away at the 2:30 feeding time, Irene served the mums and kittens. Luna's lot had a lovely wander but never strayed far from their condo.
But Zelda's kittens made friends with all their neighbours, especially Claude.
A lovely boarder, Luna was lying peacefully, on her back, in her carrier when a person came from next door to "groom" her. She came back an hour later, shaved and still wet around the legs. Poor baby, I couldn't bring myself to take a photo. Tim got back at around 4pm. His kittens may have giardia and the other cat doesn't have a thyroid problem.

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