Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Goodbye Leo

A woman from Avalon rang on Wednesday wanting a ginger kitten. Her big, ginger boy died a month ago and the family needs a cat. The husband is working from home. Son#1 has just graduated from uni and son#2 has just done his HSC. But she is in Avalon and not allowed to come to Chatswood. Luckily, I have a bit of paper to say that I am an essential worker and can travel from Avalon to Chatswood and back. So, after my shift this morning, I popped Leo into my cat carrier and went to Avalon to see if they would fancy him.
He got a bit anxious in the car until I covered the carrier with my rain jacket. It must smell calming. The transition to "meet this kitten" to "this is MY kitten" took a nanosecond. I convinced her that he needs to be in a room with a door for a little while in a new environment so she established his potty/water bowl/food bowl/bed beside her bed. Otherwise he would have been in the laundry off the kitchen without a door! The house is full of stuff and windows out to gardens with a family of magpies and other birds. He will be a happy cat. His name will be changed. Initially she thought Covid would be a good name. The men in the family disagreed. She then thought "Lachie" or "Lockie" for lock-down . . . perfect for a red headed cat. Meanwhile back at the cattery: After 5 days off, Tim noticed the smell. So he, at least, doesn't have Covid. Is-a-belly hasn't had her kittens yet. Mimi/RubyG's smallest, hissiest kitten has a ring worm lesion on his/her forehead. Bugger. Joy took some photos as she was leaving. Billy was in good form but didn't want to head butt her: perhaps the face mask detered him. Although I wonder if cats read much from noses and mouths as their noses don't move much. Their eyes and head gestures tell their feelings.
Macey was playing at being a bat and hanging around upside down.
Peggy kept a low profile.
And there were miscellaneous, un-named kittens.

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