Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Door bell

Perhaps Santa will leave us a bell from his sleigh. This morning, I got to SH early because of no traffic. (One of the positive side effects of a COVID cluster in the Northern Beaches). Unfortunately, the garbage trucks benefited from the lack of traffic as well. I only got one trolly load of bags out to the curb before they came. And there was more space for the last few in SH. Bummer. So I got busy and as it was so early, I locked the front door so that I wouldn't have to worry about odd folks wandering. Sandy came early and banged on the door. I couldn't hear her from outback. She was drowned out by hungry cats telling me their sad tales of starvation rations. Panic ensued when she told Sue and Sue got Tim out of bed. My phone wasn't on (of course) and Sandy went home. Sue phoned Rod who arrived just a bit early, after I had remembered to unlock the front door. SO it was all sorted out and Sandy, herocially, came back from Mosman to slave away. She had to sterilize boarding condos because more cats came in than expected. And some went out, unexpectedly. Others came in unexpectedly early. . . it was a busy morning. There was an email asking for more photos of Patchy than what was on our website. She is so sweet.
I noticed that Suki has a short tail as well as an emaciated body.
And I took a photo of Sultan so that Liz can see how relaxed he is without her.
Joy took some photos that I will add. Cecily has the greenest of eyes. She doesn't act jealous. She is an absolute sweetie. We can't imagine how she was surrendered.
Star's kittens have been divided up to the three littles that stay with her and the two hunking fluffies that used to greedy all their food. For example:
Silky's kittens are getting to be just as demanding/loud as she is.
This morning I managed by some quick hand work to separate Rara, Mimi and Macey into separate areas to feed them. Macey took her time to eat every morsel. Rara is inclined to "help you finish that" in double quick time.

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