Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Not sisters

I had a visitor today. He came to look for a companion for his 15 year old Burmese boy whose brother has recently died. I, of course, said that he would need a girl to go with his boy and showed Hera and Diamond who I said were sisters. Because I have always thought that they were sisters. He said "Why is one 1 year old and the other is 2 years old?". I looked up the paperwork and it is true: Hera's date of birth is 22/1/18 and Diamond's is 28/4/19! No wonder they were quarreling about food. Old(er) sisters are so bossy! (say's Prue who is the youngest of four daughters).
I showed the visitor around the available cats and he fell in love with Ollie. He will be back tomorrow morning to do the deal but couldn't do it today because he was working all day and has to set things up correctly, as per our web site, to introduce the "new" cat to the resident cat. I think that Ollie will take it in his stride and a Burmese is always ready to welcome a new slave.
Patchy's Spotty and Tippy have been adopted. They were renamed PJ and Penelope for adoption. And Charlie found a home. There is only one tiny kitten of the four who has survived. Tim takes him home every night. The others are thriving.
The biggest, fluffiest two of Star's kittens have been separated from her family to give the little ones a better chance. Luna's and family had a fabulous play in the play place today. At one point I looked around to see a kitten hanging from the mesh ceiling. It dropped to the floor. . . . at least 7 feet, landed on its four feet not on its mother and ran off to play some more! I don't know about Luna but my heart stopped. We have a new cat called Cecily. She is in boaring at the moment but should be moved as she is available. She is the sweetest green eyed girl.

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