Thursday, December 17, 2020

Wretched man

Didn't come back to adopt Ollie! His loss, of course. Somebody else's gain, eventually. The man who adopted Patchy's PJ and Primrose returned our carrier. When he adopted them he brought a brand new, cloth type carrier and they absolutely freaked out. There was NO WAY they were going to go into that carrier. Makes you wonder what happened to them before they arrived at Safe Haven. They have settled down beautifully with the man and his family. He bought a scratchy pole for them and we gave them two of the free, cardboard house thingies. He said that his wife is keen to get another cat, already!
A young woman arrived with a large amount of almost/just expired kitten food. She has intriguing tattoos and studs in amazing places BUT the kittens let her trim their nails. Even Mini/RubyG let her cuddle her and trim those ferocious nails. All were accomodating except Mini/RubyG's hissy kitten. S/he would not be mauled. S/he escaped and ran in circles until we corraled him/her back into Mum's condo. Because of more food, I was appointed the arranger of the food. On the top shelf: the adult food is on the left, the big kittens in the middle and the 2-4 month kittens food is on the right. On the next shelf is the Baby cat (never enough) and the surplus special diet food. How long will that organisation last? Perhaps until next Wednesday. I took a Xmas photo for next year's calendar:
Cute enough? There have been movements. Dobby and Dolly are in the condo bank between the desk and the front door. Dolly does not look pleased.
Elona, Elliot and Ezra (with a white spot on his nose) have been moved to the main floor. The kittens had a fabulous time in the play place this afternoon. They should be adopted this weekend. If the Northern Beaches are shut down, there will be a rush for our kittens and cats!
And the wild mum plus 1 have moved out of boarding so that the boarders can fit. Need space for Sultan the Magnificant.

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