Wednesday, October 27, 2021

A surprise

As usual when I first arrive at the cattery I check each condo and count the residents and got to 64 cats and the last one . . . . was a rabbit, named Coco. Just in case you can't tell your pussies from your bunnies, the breed on the condo card is "Rabbit". I don't know where she came from. She must have arrived after 4pm when I spoke to Katie.

Diego is the last cat still in the boarding area. I think he prefers more action, and more folk to hiss at.
Nada and Tabitha have been moved to the main room. They may take a while to adjust.

Finn has adapted beautifully to his "sister" Lucky being adopted on Saturday. He is now the lord of his domain.


Also adopted over the weekend were Oreo and Lucky together, TinTin, Jetta and Champ. Well done weekend teams!

The Wednesday team decided that Amy's kittens need names: there are 2 girls and a boy. So we decided on Angel, Annie and Andy. Angel is the lightest coloured one.

Angel, Annie, Andy
Their mum seems to have divorced them. She spent all day on the highest ledge where they can't get to her. 

I took advantage of a quiet afternoon to give Scrat and Puss clean hammocks. They thought it was the perfect opportunity to get more smooches as I had to put my upper body into their wheely cage to tie the strings. I didn't mind too much. I chose the biggest hammocks.

Puss and Scrat

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