Friday, October 15, 2021

Lucky in love

 I moved Lucky and Finn away from the front door to next to Beauty (separated by layers of duvet covers on both stand alone cages). I looked up who is whom. Finn is the white male and Lucky is the grey and white, medium haired female. The easy way to remember who is whom is "lucky in love" because Lucky loves to be loved on. Anybody will do. Neither of them recognised chicken as food which makes you wonder how they got to be a plump as they are.

Miranda Purr was adopted on Thursday. . . . such a good looking cat.

Miranda Purr

. . . and Schnitty was moved into her condo after I cleaned off her pawprints. He was a bit disgruntled at the move until offered chicken.

Sarah (the burrito cat) was waiting for her share when I got to her condo ("at last!"). She accepted some finger strokes as well as the chicken.


But the one who surprised me was Tiger, her next door neighbour. For weeks she has turned her back on any approach but today she stepped up for a pat, scratch, fondle. I didn't go so far as to pull on the matted tags by her left ear. She drooled great drops of crystalline saliva at the joy of being fondled until. . . . she snarled, without provocation or any further action, to show me her huge, solo, canine. Cats are strange. I wonder what she will do next week.


And Bibi, who hid under her blankie on Wednesday couldn't get enough cuddles today. She wasn't even interested in the chicken. Just more pats please.


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