Friday, October 15, 2021

Adoption tails: Gorgeous greys

 Ganda: adopted 15/9/21
1 day: "He is doing well. He is very affectionate although a bit nervy and hides if there is a noise or a sudden movement. He gave us a fright today by hiding inside the chimney -- took us several hours to find him! All good now sitting at my feet having his tummy rubbed. We have changed his name to Ollie.
1 week: "He is doing well, getting used to us, he is still a bit nervy and runs off to hide sometimes but doesn’t stay hidden too long. Sleeps on our bed. He has had a problem with one of his eyes -- it was weeping from when we first bought him home. We took him to the vet a week ago, she found that he had ulcers in both eyes. We have been using ointment on them, there has been some improvement but not completely better yet." His favourite spot is on a window seat.
1 month: Ollie's eyes are a lot better. He is doing well, settling in and getting a lot calmer. He is spending more time hanging around his new guardians. 

Ganda aka Ollie

Meow Meow, 26/8/21
3 days: Adopter says "Meow meow is doing really well. We were prepared for her to be timid and scared, but within 15 mins of her arrival she threw herself at my son Jack and had big cuddles. She loves Jack especially. She has to be approached slowly, but loves being stroked and scratched. She is exploring the house and has found some good spots to sit in. We have got into her rhythm now and understand when she wants to be quiet, wants to eat and when she wants to play. She is very cuddly in the evening”
1 week: Meow Meow is settling in really well. She goes outside to explore the garden and really enjoys it. She loves to sit and cuddle especially when her new Mum sits on the sofa watching TV. She is not loving her T/D dry food.
1 month: "Her name has been changed to Dusty and she is doing well. She is such a lovely, cuddly girl. She is much more relaxed now. She has really settled into her new environment. She especially enjoys being outdoors  exploring the garden and sleeping in the sun. So much so that her new owners wonder if she was previously only kept indoors. She has got better at climbing in the past week and made it up to a height of about 1.5 metres in the Jacaranda tree. She is eating well and her fur looks good. Her owner really appreciates the care SAFE gives their cats and the follow up to adoptees."

Meow Meow aka Dusty

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