Friday, October 8, 2021


 Robyn reports:

This morning was very exciting! Beauty had babies! Sofia called me over and said "I think Beauty has given birth". And she sure had! 
Beauty's first

Very hard to see with all the black fur but I did manage to get a pic later of the grey one. 
Beauty's second, perhaps

Lucky that Prue had put a hammock in on Wednesday! We didn’t want to disturb her too much. I think there were 3 when I left but Prue will know all the details by now. 

And Amy’s kittens wobbled out after a feed. I got the 3 of them second time around. 

Amy + 3

There is also Puss +Scrat sharing a hammock. Scrat’s face is priceless. 
Scrat (left) and Puss (right)
Prue, later:
Don't know how many babies Beauty had. Tim was concerned about their position in a hammock high above the floor of the wheely cage. I had put a low box with a blanket in it at ground level for her to carry her babies down to but he feared that the babies might bounce out of the hammock when she left it for dinner. So we carefully untied the bows that tie the hammock to the bars and lowered mum and bubs to the waiting box below. Beauty didn't even hiss.
As I arrived, many hours before this last task, the man who adopted Flynn and Toby rode up in the lift with me. He came to collect the pair of bowls on a stand for them. He says that they are marvelous. Nervous Toby chose to be best friends with his confident daughter and friendly Flynn has gravitated to his rather reticent son. Toby can open cupboard doors and close them with his tail. He has bought them a humongous cat tree. Everybody is very happy.
Then the women who came in August to adopt Charlie came back for a cat to keep him busy at 4am. . . . so that they can get some sleep. They chose Malabar (she being the only single, female cat available and suitable). I am sure that Malabar will keep him in line.

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