Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Adoption tails: Lucky 14th

 On Sept 14 this year, Miko, Shadow and Wilson were adopted.


Her new owner enthuses:

1 day: "She has been very calm and friendly using her litter tray and eating her food she’s enjoying the sunny spots looking out at the garden.
She’s a great explorer and is very nosey. She is watching me work at the moment and keeps my chair warm when I have a stretch I think she’s going to be a great addition to our family”
1 week: "Miko is divine and such a good girl. No accidents with litter tray and full of fun. She has started to play with toys. We bought her some treats from the vet and built her a climbing area which she loves. Miko has settled in incredibly well and seems very happy."
1 month: "Miko is such a sweet girl she loves watching Dr Jeff Rocky Mountain vet whilst having cuddles She has settled in great no accidents and she loves playing with her toys. She loves a nap in the sunshine”


1 week: Her new owner had a house visit as she had a couple of questions about set up and nail clipping. Shadow is otherwise settling in very well.
1 month: Shadow is doing very well. Her owner is very grateful for the nail clipping visit. Shadow was a bit frightened but with the "expert's" tips even her new owner's partner was finally able to clip them this week.


1 day: "He did really well for his first night with us. He's very affectionate and always tries to stand next to us. He's claimed a spot in one room that he goes to whenever there's a noise outside that freaks him out, not a big fan of the gardener with his leaf blower”
1 week: Wilson has been amazing, settled in comfortably and is very affectionate.
1 month: Wilson is doing great. Always playing or sleeping. And is the star of some lovely videos.

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