Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Adoption tails: Silky has stuck

 Silky came to Safe Haven from a cat colony in late October 2020. Mimi is her mother, Soxy her brother, she had a litter of kittens at Safe Haven.

She was adopted on 31/7/21.
1 day: Silky is in the office upstairs hiding under the wardrobe. At nighttime she did use the toilet. The entry of the office does not have a door rather a gate with bars.
Her owner told Irene on August 2 that Silky got out through the gates and is now downstairs under the sofa. The other cat Milly is in the same vicinity and Silky hisses when Milly comes near the sofa. Irene suggested to try and tempt Silky back upstairs, but in the bedroom, which has a proper door. She told her that Silky is very food motivated suggested using high value food. Silky is still quite overwhelmed, so it would be too early to have Silky and Milly in the same room.


1 week: Silky is back upstairs in the office and her owner has 'Silky proofed ' the gate.

1 month: Silky is very active, plays with her toys and approaches her owner to play but does still not like being touched. Milly, the resident cat and Silky run around together a lot. Initially it was Milly behind Silky now they also run the other way around. Silky watches everybody quite happily but runs away when anyone comes too close.

Harry and Harley Adopted 14/8/21
1 day: H & H have been hiding under the bed (as expected). They have been eating when it's dark but haven't used the toilet yet.
1 week: Harry and Harley have settled in very well and getting more confident by the day.
1 month: Harry and Harley are doing well. They love their food and that is the only time they 'talk' to their owner. Most of the time they just play and keep each other company. 

Harry and Harley

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