Saturday, November 27, 2021

Adoption Tails: Names change

Autumn and Summer adopted Oct 5, 212
1 day: New owner says: "Summer is totally playful and she plays with us and also with Autumn. Autumn spends most of her time in the cage, but I make sure that she eats as much as Summer eats. They are easy cats and we love them! 

Summer and Autumn

They also now have new names: Summer is Mocha and Autumn is Vanilla.

1 week: Vanilla and Mocha are doing great. They had their vaccine.

1 month: Mocha and Vanilla are doing great and growing up fast.

Chris adopted Sept 9, 2021

Chris when he woke up no longer Cathy

1 day: Chris has been eating and using the litter right from the start.  His owner and her daughter are still debating names.

1 week: Chris is settling in well. They say that Chris is adorable and very affectionate.

1 month: His owner called me to give me an update on Chris, now Arche. He apparently is quite the character and very affectionate. He also likes to eat all food in sight. He ate a little lily the other day and had to go to the vet as a result. Never a dull moment with Arche.

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