Thursday, November 18, 2021

Cat training

 You may have noticed a number written on each cat's name card. 

1 and 2 category cats are very stressed and they may hide or show aggression.

3 and 4 category cats seem friendly and may bump into you while you clean their condos.

The number 1 cats on Naughty Row look much less stressed when they smell my chicken coming.

Casper loves chicken

Remi will eat from the spoon

Lucky forgets to spit

Victor will rub my hand through the mesh just at the thought of chicken. I can never get his door open because he reaches the spoon through the gap. As does Amy. I fed  her chicken through the holes in her perspex! Her kittens didn't have a chance of any. 

Kittbells loves chicken too but Rula was so chilled she wasn't bothered one way or the other.

And Coco wasn't offered any because she is getting everybody's grass.

Goldie's ear looks so sore. He has been treated for mites and fleas and it got better for a while but looks much worse now. Didn't stop him wanting seconds, and thirds of chicken.


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