Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Foster tails: Ashleigh, etc

 Ashleigh came to us in May last year and promptly presented us with two pretty kittens. Eventually the kittens were adopted but Ashleigh rejected all overtures of friendship despite many overtures from volunteers.

Time passed and she still spent all her time hiding in her condo until Sandy took her home where she hid in "her" room. It took months and the studious ignoring from Sandy's flock of cats for Ashleigh to come out of her room and discover that friends, both feline and human are not all bad.

Ashleigh and Franky

(Excuse the photo. Neither Sandy nor I are computer savy enough to know how to get a photo from a phone into a computer. I resorted to taking a photo of the photo she sent to my mobile from her mobile phone.)

Daisy was in foster care when she had kittens. She is taking too long to be adopted for such a sweet thing (despite her manic eyes).


Diego was in foster but was swapped for Ebony. He is getting less hissy every week with us. So either he is mellowing with age or he didn't like his previous home.


Mayka and Tinker are back from foster care and seem much the same. . . . but may relax when they get used to the change. All cats hate change.

I am sure that Magnus is having a magnificent time lording it over his foster carers. Who could give him back?

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