Saturday, November 20, 2021

Adoption tails: Second time perfect for Soxy

 Soxy was adopted for the second time on Sept 10, 2021. I have waited for more than two months just to make sure that he has found his perfect place.

Soxy in October, 2020

1 day, 11/9: Irene thinks this time Soxy hit the jackpot. His new guardian seems to understand him and Soxy is doing very well. He is eating, using his litter box and purring up a storm when patted. He loves sitting in a cardboard box lined with a blanket. It's his safe place he goes back to as he is adjusting to his new space.

1 week: Soxy is doing good. He has been learning about reflections recently.

1 month: Soxy is getting right at home now. He has his own little "away from people" spots he goes to during the day but he loves attention during the afternoon and night.

Soxy in August, between owners, August 2021

Since then: not a peep.

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