Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 We had three visitors today.

1. Was a long time supporter. She adopted her second cat, Rigby (perhaps) from AWL Ingleside to be company for her childhood cat Annastasia. Annie loathed him on sight and has ever since. Nevertheless, she is an enthusiastic cat lover. She brought in a handsome cat igloo that Annie had only deigned to sleep in once and a cat tunnel that goes around corners. She often picks up and delivers our cats to vet appointments. So I showed her around. If Dexter disappears one day, she will be first suspect. The second may be me (us redheads need to stick together).


Then the man who adopted Billie to go with his problem boy cat came in to give us his surplus stuff, including litter, 3 beds, a water fountain (without the filters which he will bring in later with the surplus toys). All this stuff he bought from us in the hope of enticing Billie to settle in well. She settled in exceedingly well. The boy cat used to be on anxiety meds before she came, now he is not and is perfectly happy with her. 

The third visitor came at 3:40 to adopt Oreo. It was the fastest adoption I have ever done. She was determined to have him and seems to be the perfect mum for him.

And today Kingsley came out of his bed condo at breakfast to reveal that he has only three legs! I didn't know. So now we have three three legged cats: Petey, Kingsley and Charlie. Will the next one be called Jake?


As soon as Oreo left, I cleaned his wheely cage and moved Fawny into it. His collar is off. Time to be on the website.


I also moved Rula into Callie's condo. She seemed very interested in her new across the way neighbours.

We have a new cat, Mr MaGoo who has a cattitude sign but I think it might have just been initial grumpiness.

Mr MaGoo

But Jackie definitely has the shits again even though she has been moved out of Boarding.


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