Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Wet outside and inside

 There was a thunderstorm this morning and torrents expected further north. But that all stayed outside. I created the wet inside by putting the emptied food tins in the sink to give them a bit of a clean before putting them into my rubbish tin for a fortnight. I turned on the tap, took the spoon back to the feeding desk and got distracted. Later when I went to go to the toilet before the vollies arrived, I discovered the sink overflowing and water streaming down the corridor. Oh dear! The floor there is now clean and my shoulders are tired from mopping. Thank goodness for the centrifugal mop!

Lots of cats were adopted over the weekend including Jumi, Sammy with Daisy, Garfield, Cherry (still with us waiting to be picked up) and Leo. I tried to get brownie points to counter the flood deficit by putting together 5 cat carriers.

Cherry waiting to be taken home

The man who adopted Jumi rang to say that his housemate (temporary) is allergic to Jumi. I did not say "Tough luck, get rid of the housemate." I said he should talk to Tim tomorrow.

Amy has a neighbour whom she loathes. That seems to be the usual reaction with Amy. She loathes us who feed her. She is sitting on her tummy so that her kittens can't feed from her while we are around. But she is not nearly as attacky as she used to be. I gave her kittens a dry bed (they made the flood by jumping on their water bowl) Two of them have claimed it. The third is on the outer.

Amy's kittens
I took this photo after I had carefully unfolded the bed that the kittens had carefully folded in half so that only two kittens would fit on it.

Amy's neighbour is Dusty. She has two adorable, friendly kittens who are grey, just like her.

And there is a heavenly kitten out back in Boarding called Lilly. It was very hard to get a photo of her because she wiggles with joy when a person is around. She has been desexed so will only be with us for the shortest time possible.

Below her is Cookie and her four kittens who have a very strange collection of names: Bianca, Raja, Violet and Evie!
Cookie with Raja, Bianca, Violet and Evie
I now know how Scrat got his name.  He and Puss are now in the play place. They need more space than a double condo. When I swept their floor he ran off to hide in a small space. Later when I mopped the floor beside the play place he again ran off to hide in a small space. So he is a Scardy Cat = Scrat.

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