Friday, November 5, 2021

Driving Ms Potter

 She had to go to SH to get a microchip and be vaccinated. As Bron lives 3 minutes from me, I picked up Potter on my way there early because my tennis was cancelled. Potter cried half the way there. When I turned off my windshield wipers, she stopped crying. On the way home, no rain, she only peeped once. I wonder what she can hear that I cannot. At the cattery she tucked herself into the smallest space.

One cat came in to board crying non stop. It was our Marmalade. His owner was just as upset but determined to go to the Blue Mountains for the weekend. She told me lovely stories of how happy Marmalade is at home and how in control he likes to be. His favourite toy is the feather on a string when it disappears under the edge of the rug. He has his favourite vantage points and his owner is his favourite person (everybody else gets hissed at). He settled down quietly when she left until Tim visited him when they both sobbed. . . . almost.
My heart almost stopped when I saw that Scrat and Puss's stand alone had a "Please Clean" sign on it. But they have only been moved to Thelma and Louise's condo. They don't seem too happy not to be able to cuddle up together in a hammock.

Puss (top) and Scrat

And Sammy has been moved to the stand alone beside Beauty who was off at the vet being desexed. I do not know where Mayka and Tinker have gone.


Sammy is a delightfully friendly cat. But he is a bit of a chicken monster. Although not to the extent of Rebel who must have been raised on BBQ chicken from his reaction to it. Victor is much the same.

Jumi was adopted today to a young man who chose him over Daisy of the dazzling eyes.

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