Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Sick kittens galore

 I was too busy to count the number of cats this morning. Amy's wheely is filled with a mum [Sabrina] and her 6 kittens one of whom has a UTI, 5 have the flu and one, smaller than the rest and a smooth haired tuxedo looks perfectly well. He sticks close to the mother. I wonder if he is her kitten? 

 [Later Irene added: Lulu, the black and white tuxedo kitten in the glass cage is not Sabrina’s kitten. The lady who rescued Sabrina had trapped a spare kitten and just added it to the family.]

And Wanda's little grey adoptee (named Midsommer) has stuck-closed eyes that need to be bathed open and ointment applied as well as an eighth of a pill given. And there are two kittens from a foster home with ringworm. The friendlier one isn't as badly affected. It is the shy one that has to be ointmented. And they both have to have nasty medi. 

Bonnie and Lemmy were taken off to be desexed.

Bonnie came back shattered.

Post op Bonnie

Bonnie last Friday

Lemmy was full of beans and ready to PLAY.


Lemmy last week
We had a delivery of 20 litter trays. They each came in a separate cardboard box wrapped in two pieces of bubble wrap. Luckily, the bloke down the corridor spotted the flattened boxes and took them all plus the bubble wrap. He is the nice father of the girl who loved Chris and who has two dogs in his office all day.

A woman came to meet Romeo and Juliette whom she rather fancied from the web site. 

Her partner fancied Ziggy. We took videos of her relating to those cats. Then she spotted Augustus who is a kiss magnet and she went away without a cat.


She did buy a T-shirt and gave us a donation. I expect they will be back on the weekend.

I introduced her to Max. He bit her when she got too friendly.


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