Thursday, March 10, 2022

Mahem and Murder

 I arrived in the middle of morning cleaning. There were people everywhere. Rosanna was training a group of new vollies. Robyn is back from her skiing in Canada. Geoff was discussing jobs that need to be done with Tim.

One job is to fix the Palace Door. Those kittens can shake the door open at night. Last night they had a poo party in front of Max in the Play Place. No wonder he wouldn't come down from the highest shelf to have lunch with me. Tim thought one of the Palace crew had escaped and was lurking somewhere behind the laundry shelves. . . . unless it had squeezed through a partly open window. But when it came time for me to hand out the Friday chicken, there were three interested faces in their cat carrier. They must have staggered home to the Palace after their night on the town.

The naughty row loved their helpings although Rufus was more interested in being patted than the chicken. And now that Duke is next door to him we really can't call it "naughty row" any more. Even Amy came out and blinked for chicken.

Amelia hissed then smiled

                                    Ziggy couldn't decide between a stroke or the chicken 

Tabitha just wanted strokes

Peanut is always good for cuddles

Rosanna had brought in some chicken necks that I distributed to the kittens earlier. Sasha's lot loved theirs.

Sasha plus

When I got to the four kittens below Zoe, I noticed that their bedding needed to be changed. I added some chicken to distract them. Pulled the dirty towel out which caused them to do a washing machine impression in their outer condo. Two of them were spun into the bed section and out the door. I grabbed one. The other took off out the door with Tim close behind it. 

The one I grabbed put up a good fight but I held on until I could put it back with its siblings. On the way, a claw or tooth snagged a small artery and blood spurted out of my hand. I applied pressure while Tim caught the runaway who had exhausted itself by running to the other end of the corridor and back to Unit 20. A woman came up in the lift just as it turned to do another lap and Tim grabbed the kitten. The woman, when she saw me covered in blood must have thought that murder had been done. Katie thought that cleaning up after a murder might have been easier.

So I spoiled their plans to get off early while I fed the cats their dinner. I went to the doctor to get a decent pressure bandage and a tetanus injection. By the way, if you have some spare absorbent pads, elastoplast, pressure bandages, etc our First Aid Kit needs them.

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