Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Oops, late blog

 Sorry to keep you waiting. I went to a lecture in Chatswood after closing up shop at the cattery today. It was about an ambassador's wife who made the most of being in the Middle East for her inspiration to make amazing quilts.

No adoptions today.
But a woman brought in her daughter to check on Peppa. But she wasn't in the cattery. We thought we had booked her and tabby Amelia in for desex yesterday. But the vet practice disclaimed all knowledge of the booking.  They did agree to keep them for a day and do them today. So Peppa wasn't home when her prospective new owner came to visit. I showed them Blueberry who put on a star turn, cuddled in their arms and purred. So now they can't decide between Peppa and Blueberry.

Blueberry all ready to go

Then a man arrived to meet Tabitha. I know him from at least a dozen years ago when he adopted a cat from us at Peggy Brown's. At Peggy's AWL branch we used to let folk choose kittens before they were ready for adoption. The prospective owners would come by every weekend to play with "their" kitten. It helped the bond to form. The kitten that this man chose unfortunately died while being desexed. It can happen. He was convinced that we had sold "his" kitten to somebody else until I convinced him that it was just an unfortunate death. 

He eventually chose another kitten and has lived happily with her for over a decade. But recently she died and he is ready to choose another cat for him and his mum to love. l think Tabitha will be perfect. He spent lots of time talking to her and patting her. He took lots of photos to show his mum. They will be back. She enjoyed the attention so much that she made a very rare appearance at her window later in the afternoon.


Valentino came in to board for the weekend. He is just as wonderful as ever. 


He settled into the condo next to Libby who was taken home. Her new owner was concerned that she might get confused because they have only had her for a month. She came from Monika's Doggy Rescue. 

I noticed today that Mayka as white socks on her back legs. She is much more relaxed these days.

So there is hope for Bella and Lulu who have come in from a foster home, Dynamo and Rosie and Callie who have moved out of their cat carrier but no further than its roof.
Callie and Rosie


Bella and Lulu

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