Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Adoption tails: a mixed bunch

 Irene forwarded me photos that new owners had sent her. I just have to share.

Cookie, 835 adopted Feb 1, 22
1 week: Cookie, renamed Chloe, has settled in beautifully. She seems to be relaxed, watching the world from behind the fly screens and has many spots to do so. She is not very keen on playing. Her owner says she answers to her name with a ‘Mau'
1 month: Chloe is very settled, loves her food, loves playing with the ping pong ball and is just a lovely girl.


Storm  767 adopted Feb 5, 22
1 day: Storm’s new owner called to say that Storm seems very relaxed and is settling in. She ate food yesterday but not today and has not been to the toilet today. The owner was also worried that she isn't drinking enough water. Sue told her that it might take a few days for Storm to settle in and have regular habits and to call us back if she had any more questions/concerns.
Storm spent most of Saturday night and Sunday morning hiding in a drawer, then she finally ventured out last night and started walking around the room while her new owners were in there! She ate well yesterday afternoon and night and also went to the toilet and drank quite a bit of water."
1 month: Storm is right at home and well settled. 


Goldie 725 adopted Feb 24, 22
1 day: Goldie had flu symptoms after being taken home. His new owner collected 7 days worth of Doxycyline from Tim on 27/7. On 28/8 Irene spoke to his new owner and he reports that Goldie has responded really well to the meds and is still eating and toileting etc. He has even had a few cuddles with the new owners.
1 week: Goldie is doing great. Happy cat, happy adopters 

Goldie from up and down
Sunny adopted Feb 20, 22
1 day: Sunny is a sweetheart. Her new owner tried to keep her in a separate room but she was keen to get out and have more company. They sent photos and a video. She is a complete purr machine.
1 week: Sunny is settling in super well. She is just an easy kitten and the new owners love her to bits.


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