Friday, March 18, 2022

No Friday mayhem but there might have been

 There were people all over the cattery this morning. Unfortunately not customers but luckily new volunteers being trained. And committee members coming to confer.

I noticed, from a distance, that Diego's perspex door was open. And quickly moved to close it. Later when I offered him chicken, he had forgiven me. (This photo was not taken with a tele lens).

It should have reminded me to check all condo doors but I got distracted.

All three kittens were back in the Palace yesterday after one was seen trying to break her way into the Palace at dinner time. They didn't manage to shake open their door last night. Today I balanced a large carry cage on top of another outside their upper door. If they shake it, the carrier will fall and, hopefully, frighten them so much that they will not try that again . . . . until Jeff can get the new, secure door catches.

At chicken time, all went well.

Having handed it all out (there is never enough) I went back into the main cattery and Mr Magoo's screen door was wide open. I had given him his chicken through the gap under his perspex door. (Should have checked the other door). All the cattery doors were open as well. We rushed around like the proverbial headless chickens until Tim spotted him under the trolley. Tim encouraged him under Bobby and Mia's stand alone, moved that towards his condo and caught him as he dashed, and lifted him into his condo. Not at drop of blood was spilled. Mr Magoo looked quite chilled by his adventure.

Mr Magoo

Gracie two door across is just worried/confused about being back so didn't notice anything.

And Ziggy, downstairs, is only concerned about getting pats when anybody gives him food. He does like his hiding box.

I have refined my method of shortening our striped aprons. I cut 4 ins off the bottom and detach one side of the bib. I add three button holes and one button on the top of the bib and make a pocket from the bit cut from the hem. My "shortened" aprons have a piece of white, cotton tape somewhere on the bib. They are suitable for shorter people. I will be happy to hear any other suggestions.

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