Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Sandy's bad day

 She came early. In time to give a cat a cuddle. I had just put Tommy back into his and Mia's stand alone. Tim mentioned yesterday that he feeds Mia inside with her antibiotic laced food and Tommy on the floor outside otherwise Tommy will eat Mia's flu drugs before she has a chance. (She is a delicate little thing and he is a chunky, muscular boy). Sandy enjoyed the weight of him in her arms so much that she forgot to close the cage door. Who'd have thought that Mia would escape! 

Luckily she was just under the adjacent trolley. But, because of our inept capture techniques, she decided to scale the wall and hide on top of the blue condos. So we had to move every carry cage down to the floor while she retreated into the far corner. There we hemmed her in with cloth carry cages one of which was her escape route. I couldn't quite reach her to guide her into it. Luckily Sandy has a couple of extra inches and Mia was safely in the carrier.  In the meantime, Tommy was complaining loudly that he was inside the stand alone while Mia was out!

Then we put all the carriers back.

Later when all the cleaning was done, Sandy noticed that there was some loose litter beside their tray, went to tidy it up and Tommy jumped out. She reached over to grab him and lost her footing to end up on the floor. Tommy was out in Boarding inspecting the laundry shelves. He was easier to pick up than Sandy was!

Tonight when I fed him outside and Mia inside, Tommy decided to go meet Po who is in Peanut's condo. 

He didn't appreciate being picked up and put back in with Mia despite the extra hammock that I installed.

Other new cats are Jackson where Blueberry was. He is a scardey cat. And black.


In Incoming there is Dave, a black kitten, very friendly.


And Mocha, Cocoa, Latte and Bean. . . . don't know who is whom as they are a little hissy.

Mocha, Latte, Bean or Cocoa
The really good news is that Mr Magoo was adopted over the weekend. We have already heard from them:
Day1: Yeah he’s absolutely fine. Like a duck to water. Eating and drinking, doesn’t seem scared/hesitant at all, very confident. Used his litter tray too. We named him Bob (or big Bob)
Let's keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't turn into Big Bop.

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