Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Adoption Tails: Natalia

 Natalia, adopted June 3, 2022

 1 day: She's doing very well, all things considered, with the huge change to her surroundings and being on her own now. She's in the study - it's warm and quiet and has everything she needs. She's still quite skittish but has eaten well, used the litter and investigated the whole room during the night (knocked down a few books and pushed over th
computer mike and mouse but all good). She did cry and mewl a lot last night but has been quiet today (and hopefully tonight too). She has been renamed Lila. They think she'll adapt very well and will be very happy quite soon.

Natalia, 1 week

1 week: She's taken over the house. She's fine. She's eating and drinking very well and her bodily functions are working well. She demanded to come out of her safe place 3 days ago and knows the flat better than her owner's husband. 

She comes when her name is called, never shuts up when she wants to play, and goes back to her room to sleep 8 hours every night. She is a lap cat. She is very energetic until you sit down for 2 minutes. She prefers scratching the curtains and lounges over the scratching post. Life's perfect. "She's very happy ... and so are we"1 month: Lila couldn't be healthier nor happier, by all accounts. She is definitely ruling the roost. She had a visit to the vet last week for her last shot and she is perfect (according to the vet). She has also been registered with the council. All registered with the council now as well. She searches for food everywhere and nothing can be left open (or out) for 5 seconds. 

She's slow on learning "no" but they're working on teaching her. She eats everything that's not tied down. She follows her owner around like a puppy dog and has recently taken to sleeping with her owners at night. She wants to go outside but they will wait until late spring to supervise her. Apart from that, all is great. "Have a feeling she's quite comfortable here"


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