Sunday, July 24, 2022

Adoption Tails: Felix: a foster fail and Ivan the intrepid

We only have a 1-month update of Felix who was adopted by his foster carers. 1-month: Felix has settled in. He is doing better with guests and the resident cat. Still keeping the two separate at night but there are a few good sniffs and interactions with them now.


 Ivan, one of Violet's kittens

1 Day: Ivan (now Oliver) has settled right in -- he purrs like crazy on his owner's lap as they try to work! He has eaten last night and this morning, and used kitty litter (my other's cat litter for a wee, his own for a poo!) Our existing cat is very put out, not fighting but hissing and growling. Fingers crossed things will settled down soon.

Day 1: Ivan
1 Week: Oliver is going well, he had his F3 booster this morning. He loves his food and also getting into cupboards! He and Bette are getting closer -- alternating sniffing and giving each other lots of space!

Day 1, Ivan the explorer

1 Month: Oliver has very much settled in! He loves playing in boxes and with Lego (not eating it!) He also likes exploring the courtyard. He's full of energy and loves his food! He and our cat are going okay... Also the owners can't believe it's been a month!

Day 1, Ivan the purr machine


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