Sunday, July 10, 2022

Adoption Tails: Ruby and her litter. Plus Matteo

 Ruby, adopted May 27, 2022

Day 1: Ruby has settled in very well and is eating, drinking and toileting as if she has been with her new owner a while. She has already claimed her favourite spots to sleep and be able to see what her owner is doing. She is still a bit nervous if she hears outside noises and will hide but will overcome that with time. We are both very happy.

Week 1: Ruby is settling in well and has investigated the rest of the house but prefers the family room and the 2nd bedroom but is still a bit nervous of noises. She heads into the bedroom and under the bed and needs tempting to come out but she will get better in time."

Month 1: Ruby seems to have settled really well now and is being quite affectionate and no longer hiding under beds after noises she doesn't know. Rather she comes to find her owner and is always aware of where she am of it not sure, will check out where she is."

Ebby, adopted April 6, 2022

Day 1: Ebby is great. She ate last night and this morning, using her litter tray has done a poop! Loves hiding under her owners bed and crawled all over her last night when I was sleeping. She's got a couple of hiding places but has been coming in and out.


Week 1: Ebby's doing great! Giving lots of cuddles and running around exploring.



No Month 1 report. 

Bear, adopted May 29. 2022

1 day: Bear is quite confident. She is eating and toileting and sleeping well. She isn't hiding but will go back into her carrier to sleep. She will be kept in her room for 2 weeks. 1 week: She's settling in absolutely perfectly. She's eating, drinking and using her litter tray well! She's very happy to explore. She's familiarised herself mostly with 2 rooms but is happy to go for an explore while her owner is around. She seems to have settled into the routines. She has been renamed Penelope/Penny (Bear was slightly masculine for such a sweet little thing) and thinks her settling down is going very fast. The kitty trusts her person a lot and she's confident to explore, play and follow him around everywhere.

1 month: She has been absolutely fantastic. She's her owner's best friend in every way and she's been well-behaved the entire time. She's able to explore the backyard now, which is great because he can actually leave the back door open and she can explore, but she can't escape! She's always really interested in hassling his leftover food. 

Day 1: Matteo is doing really well, hasn't stopped purring. Been exploring the bedroom he is staying in and playing with a few toys. Ate all his dinner last night and breakfast this morning. He has used his litter tray as well. As soon as someone comes into the room, he runs and hides under the bed but when you sit down, he normally comes out. We will be keeping the name Matteo, it's a nice name. He slept in the carrier last night with two towels, wanders in and out. Has tried out the bed too, but only briefly.
Week 1: "He's adorable and so affectionate. Was lying in bed with his owner last night watching TV. Follows her into the bathroom & her wardrobe. He sleeps in his room but during the day we leave the door open so he can explore if he wants to. Only when we are home. Today he was even sitting in the bathroom when the owner had a shower. When finished, he went in there by himself. He is very curious. He still has a bit of discharge coming out of his eyes. Bought some special wipes so I have been wiping them twice a day.
Month 1:  He is adorable. Have started leaving the door open at night and he comes into the owners' bed. Trying to get him to sleep next to me instead of on top of me. THe daughter has a puppy so we are slowly introducing them to each other. Just saying hello at the moment. The puppy licked his face today. His eyes have been better the last two days sort of comes and goes a bit. The vet said to come and see her next week if it’s not better.  He is so loved by everyone in the family.

[I think they need more cats]

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