Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Specs and Cocos

 The only photo I took today was of these glasses.

Joy did an extra shift on Saturday and had to put her glasses on to read something and inevitably left them behind. I just want to know if these are her's because I have brought them home to give them to her next Wednesday. Recently Joy and Vi visited Coco the Burmese adopted by her friend Barbara and got sat on.
Coco loves laps

Bambi and Luigi went home today (3 days later than originally booked). They have spent the last few days in the play place and they had a poo party last night. Knowing that the owners were coming today, I put on gloves to mop the play place floor before opening time. Good thing that I did because, on arrival, they immediately wanted to see their favourite cats. Then they, mother and daughter, exclaimed over Coco the rabbit. Having been taught by our intern, I picked her up and put her on the daughter's lap. They had a lovely, long cuddle. Evidently the family has had two rabbits before. One died of a liver complaint brought on by overeating. The other, an entire male, used to come in and out of the laundry door but eventually didn't come back for meals regularly, and then not at all. They have photos and videos to prove to dad that a rabbit is a good addition to their family. Luigi was giving Coco nose bumps at breakfast time. And Coco loves Jacky's dog who visits on Mondays. So fingers crossed.

Rabbit spotted at the library

All was going smoothly until Catsie stumbled coming off the short ladder and landed on the side of her head. The handle of her specs broke off and she has a lump which will develop into a stunning black eye. Sandy drove her home and Catsie's car will be picked up tomorrow some how or other. 

PS Adoptions over the weekend included Courtney, Ginger (never made it onto the website adoption page), McCartney and Starr, Violet and Fern (who is still with us).

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