Wednesday, July 27, 2022

More space for poo bags

 This post is dedicated to Helen who spirits off poo bags on Tuesday so that there are not so many for me to schlepp out on Wednesday morning.

I have brought home the pots of dead grass and put the rubbish bin of dead mops in their place in the corner beyond the clothes rack. This makes more room for poo bags so that they won't be damaged and leak all over the place. (I hope).

When I arrived, Max and Gus's door was open, again. And they were inside, again. The catch is very loose and when it is tightened up, it is either too tight to move or too loose. There is a gap in the mesh beside the latch. It is my belief that the cats stick their paw through the gap to push down the latch. There used to be a wad of sticky tape there to hold the latch in place. . . I think Catsie devised that. I have added some cardboard strips stuck on with gaffer's tape to keep the latch in place. Geoff needs to devise a better way.

Max says "It wasn't me"
This morning, I moved the Supermodel kittens to the Palace. . . . very carefully and one at a time. (They were the kittens who made me bleed dramatically and get a spectacular bruise all down my forearm some months ago). They each went to a different corner of the Palace and stayed there all day. One ignored the bed I put beside her. And they all ignored the food at dinnertime. They have superstar temperaments.

Joy took some great photos.

Ricki didn't enjoy her overnight stay in the play place. She much prefers talking to the people.

Zac has settled in to a different place since he moved from Incoming last week. He is a cat who doesn't like change.
Theodore got one of the new hammocks I made over the weekend. I tried to make some light sides for dark cats  and dark sides for light cats. Ginger cats look good on everything.
We tried to get Diego to get into a carrier so that we could give him a go in the play place but he wasn't having a bar of it. Eventually (when he'd had enough treats) we gave up and he got a new fluffy bed instead of the carrier that Joy bought for him.
Diego is where he wants to be

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