Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Still raining

 The rain caused traffic havoc that delayed two vollies and stopped another vollie's car from starting. It also kept away the person who was going to come to choose an older cat. But the bloke who adopted Max dropped by with his paperwork (rather damp. . . both him and the paperwork). He said that he and Max were getting on very well. Max was leaning against his leg and purring so he put his hand down to give Max a pat on the head and chomp. He ended up in hospital on IV antibiotics. He didn't see any cats that he fancied today. . .. . once bitten, etc.

But Max has gone to Katie's for a break. Juliet has moved into the Palace to await her Romeo. She may be moved to Jackie's condo if we can persuade a nice person to foster her for a while to see if she gets better in a home. She cries a lot in the cattery. And there is no room in Boarding for Juliette. It is fully booked for the school holidays. Luigi and Bambi are coming in. And Daphne (now known as Tilly) is in residence. She seemed very pleased to see us.


Ginger was in the play place when I arrived. He was very chatty. Just like he is in his condo. His ringworm treatment is finished and he has been declared cured.

We put a couple of the boarders in for a play, not together. Tip loved it. (He has a white tip on his tail). Mayka and Daphne/Tilly were not thrilled.

Sunny refused it. Or maybe it was the gloves.

At the end of the day we wheeled in the Coffee shop kittens and they settled right in. By tomorrow morning they will be all played out.

The best thing to happen was that Vicki scrubbed the snot off the inside of Star's stand alone. You can now see the kittens without opening the door (which risks an escapee kitten, usually the ginger.)

Star and her kittens
And we had a rainbow array of scoops.

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