Friday, July 15, 2022

Full Friday

 I swapped my Day Manager shift to day with Tim and Katie. I usually go in after tennis in the afternoon. By then most of the cleaning is done. This morning there were 6 vollies (one of whom brought her two young kids), Rosanna training 3 new recruits and Sandy in the afternoon. Everything got done. Including the best cleaning job by Jeff who arrives later in the morning. Because we have had lots of boarders the laundry shelves are looking quite bare. And the mould on walls behind the shelves was very visible. Especially when Jeff moved the shelves out of the way.

Jeff had already swept the floor at this stage

But look at the after photo!

Well done Jeff!

And he cleaned behind the shelves in the corner which were even worse.
"Ah, how I love the smell of bleach in the morning", he said.

Luigi had to walk further to get away from the smell. He visited Beauty although you can barely see her.

Fluffy cats
Luigi needs a good brush before he gets picked up, or they won't board him with us again. I did as much as he would tolerate.

Robyn had fun with Venus and Jupiter on Wednesday. They had made such a mess in their condo last night that I threw them in the play place as soon as the coffee shop kittens were out and it was fogged.

Robyn wrote:

I discovered the 2 boy kittens of Starr have boundless energy, love wrestling and rolling around, and are so sweet!
Does anyone know who is who? The grey one was much shyer but super cute!  
I added more toys which they tossed around before getting loads of pats. 
Finishing with ?Venus chewing my fingers.

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