Friday, July 29, 2022


 I didn't take any photos this afternoon because I couldn't get to my camera. Tim was training Vicky about how to negotiate the Shelter Buddy adoption process with a real client. It took ages. The poor woman looked exhausted. She will pick up Zac tomorrow. In the meantime, Zac was perfectly happy in his condo.

Vicky didn't get to practice her chicken distribution technique. I had to do it. 

I actually got to pat Gus although Max was skittish. I patted Callie but Rosie, her sister wouldn't even eat her bit of chicken. And Raffiki and A? have incredibly soft fur. Even Princess allowed a pat. Means I am continually F10-ing my hands but I don't mind.

Left over Joy photos from Wednesday:

Kitty ate her chicken while I watched which is a first.

So did her downstairs neighbour, Ziggy. The other Ziggy above Lucky is a loving spoonfull. . . . any excuse for a cuddle!

Suzie needs a good brush, as well as a hug.


And Sabrina is a bossy boots who doesn't want to be touched or to have Lulu touch any of the chicken.


Theodore got thirds because he is still on wet food only and is starving. He sweet talks to Amelia which is very cute.

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