Wednesday, August 2, 2023

A new Leon

 A new Leon has taken over Ginger George's stand alone. He is 14 years old and deaf. (Most deaf cats are white but he is a tabby.) He is a bit shell shocked at being surrendered.


The old Leon is up for adoption. I offered him the Top Cat this afternoon but he was not going to move from the hand knitted rug that vollie Paris supplied. She made sure that all the condos with cats for adoption were sparkling clean with lots of toys. . . to make a good impression.

Another vollie made a good impression on me. I am not the only slightly OCD person around. This photo pleases me.

 Below Aslan are a delightful couple of cats: Queenie and Devo. Pity about the names.
Queenie and Devo

Seven kittens were passed on to us from a lovely lady who rescues little kittens from colonies and brings them up with love. They are all delightful and will be snapped up by some lucky adopters.

Lucy and Junior are both girls even though Junior is all ginger.


And Sidney, Sophia and Audrey next door under Hana.

Sidney, Audrey, Sophia.
There is Trixie and Roxy. When I first met them I thought we had lost one. But she appeared from under the blanket. They are all due to be desexed soon and then the bun rush will be on.

Trixie and Roxy  

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