Wednesday, August 9, 2023

D Leon/deleon

 Our new Leon has decided that we are OK and is willing to make friends. He doesn't like to be brushed though. Pats are enough, even tummy tickles. But no brush. He even tolerated pats from the small girls that a vollie brought to meet the kitties this afternoon. Should we call him Deleon for Deaf Leon. They are fancy cars. He might like that.

Carreras and Domingo were adopted this afternoon. The young lady just wanted one kitten and got the impression from Cat Rescue that she could just take one. But Tim confirmed that they are bonded. She phoned her mother and took them both. They will live with her in the granny flat. There is an adult cat and large dog who love each other in the big house.

The play place has been emptied so that our serial boarder Ginger Megs can have play time.

After his play time, we put Opie there. He enjoyed seeing the sunshine on the balcony.


This will be the last time Mischa boards with us. Her person is taking her to New Zealand.


Melody is looking Magnificent. And she likes strokes before breakfast.

 Frank was named for his old blue eyes.

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