Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Dog's day

 Vixen came in this afternoon with Ainsley. 

Vixen shakes hands for treats

Citrine was not at all impressed and fluffed herself up to twice her size. Copper was just interested to watch her. They are in the stand alone that housed Timmy and Tina last week.  They were adoped by a thrilled pair of kids on Saturday.

Copper and Citrine focused on Vixen

Again, it was installed beside the filing cabinet. Somebody had left a paper towel roll on top of the filing cabinet that entertained them through the night.


A nice man came from Monica's to collect all the dog food that has been donated to us. Most of it will go to rural NSW where there are many dogs who don't get enough to eat. Katie and he cleaned out almost all the huge bags of dog food in Opie's room.

And trundled them in several trolly loads through the open front door down to the loading bay. And left the front door open. And Lola sat on her chair at the head of the table, supervising, in the way a cat does.

She must love us or she would have made good her escape.

And the lovely Ros cleaned behind and under the cleaning station and toy box in boarding. THANK YOU.

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