Wednesday, August 16, 2023

How did that happen?

 The two littlest kittens who haven't been posted for adoption have a "We have been adopted" sign. They are growing like weeds so perhaps it is for the best. They might not look cute in a couple of weeks but their tails should be nice and fluffy.

I went to take a photo today and my camera told me that its battery was flat. Never gives me any warning. It must be a catmera. Cats don't give you much warning either. Good thing Joy takes photos on her phone.

Roger whose nose looks cleaner today than last Wednesday.

We had the right number of vollies today: 7 and everything went smoothly because Catsie came and did ALL the washing up. What a hero. She even cleaned the cupboard under the sink.

During the afternoon we had visitors bearing gifts. One came with an armful of towels and got a walk around while everybody was out playing.

The next one came to pick up a pair of paintings that she had won at our auction. She has 3 cats at home (after going out to get just one) so was happy just to take home two paintings of cats.

The first one brought two bags of wet food because her cat had dietary problems and instead of buying one tin of food to try out on him, she buys boxes of food. So we are looking very well stocked on wet food.

And a vollie visited the kittens out back. Just because they are gorgeous.

Sidney, Sophia and Audrey (not in that order)

Junior on left and Lucy on right

Dean fell for Frank's blue, blue eyes.

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