Friday, August 4, 2023

Third time lucky?

 For Max!


This afternoon Bron came in to do the paperwork on Thelma and Louise the two cats who were surrendered by Robyn's mother-in-law and whom Bron has fostered for the past year or so. After we did their paperwork she said "and I can take another needy cat, or two. I run a retirement house for difficult cats". Tim suggested Max and mentioned his personality traits. "Fine" says Bron! Max was popped into a carrier, covered with a towel and we did his paperwork too. She adopted him. 

He will love living in her backyard in a spacious shed with lots of windows and a screened porch. The kids will play in the yard and pool. There are lots of ibis and other birds to watch as they live on the water. They have a new German Shepherd to play with their older German Shepherd. And I will be able to see him when I walk past on my morning walk! 

I wonder how long it will be before he is living in the house with them, just supervising. . . .  everything.

A young couple came to look for a friendly kitten as first time cat owners. Don't know why they didn't fall for Pixie who relaxed in their arms. She is the only available single at Safe (apart from  Lyra and I don't like the look of the spot by her right eye). I suspect that they had looked at the web page and spotted Marguerite who is grey. So I gave them Irene's addy and they will visit foster homes.

I could have suggested Jagger but he was hiding out in Rosie's carry cage. As soon as his condo door was opened to let him wander this afternoon, he shot next door to Rosie and Callie's condo and went straight into the carrier. I think he misses Ronnie. I think Callie misses being number one kitten in Rosie's life.

Rosie sheltering Jagger


At about ten to four, as I was starting the evening feeds out back, I could hear cooing coming from the main cat room. A young, female in biking gear complete with a helmet was cooing at the cats. No other people around. She was talking simultaneously with her mum by phone (in Cantonese). They are about to move somewhere where they can have a cat. They want a really friendly cat. Just one. Most of our cats are paired at the moment (except Pixie. But I decided that Terry needs Pixie to keep his adoption numbers up for tomorrow). Besides she didn't notice Pixie. I introduced her to the friendly kittens from the fabulous fosterer who have yet to be desexed and she will return when they are ready. If I hadn't hustled her out the door she would still be there, cooing at cats.

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