Friday, August 11, 2023

Flat out

 My first job this afternoon was to rescue a kitten that had gone under the food shelves. The only way to see the kitten was to lie on my tummy on the floor. Good thing that it had just been mopped. 

It was Junior and she was pressed against the wall a full arms length away. I pushed her up the the corner where the food prep bench is and, with the help of Greenies, encouraged her to allow herself to be pushed out from under.

Later I spotted her back in with Lucy who was licking her face. Don't know whether it was with sympathy for her horrid ordeal or removing the last traces of Greenies.

The two cats in boarding who had TBC for the departure date, Holly and ? (I have forgotten his name) have been accepted into our shelter. So they needed to be moved into Incoming. The boy hasn't been seen out of his cat carrier since they arrived so I thought that would be easy. Sods law ordained that this afternoon was the day that he decided to explore his upper shelf. Holly was on her upper shelf too. And did not want to be enticed into her carrier, Greenies or no Greenies. The boy sensibly moved to his carrier after several folk opened his doors so was very easy to transport. We needed Tim to get Holly into her carrier but that was done expeditiously. And both are now in the far corner of Incoming.

Robyn arrived to get to know the cats that she is to write profiles of for the website. We shorted out, the C kittens, again, with the help of the microchip reader, again.

Amber is the white pawed and chested tabby with the really black stripes.


Citrine is the white pawed and chested tabby with the dark grey stripes.


The tabby without any white is Copper. She has a copperish hue.

Copper: no white paws or white chest

They are all eminently cuddleable. And seem to have recovered from their stitches.

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