Friday, August 25, 2023

Paired off

 We have lots of pairs of cats.

Jack and Luna, the kittens with the long, will be fluffy tails will be picked up on Monday. They will go home with a vollie and never made it to the Adoption list.

Below them are Charlie and Champ who are settling back into the condo after being in foster home.

Charlie and Champ
They entertained Jagger this afternoon. He hid under their bed. Then he moved on to Rosie and Callie's condo and into their carry cage. Which made it easy for me to get him back into his condo for his share of chicken. . . . . he forgives anything for chicken.

On the other side of Kate and Helena are Trixie and Roxy.

Roxy (left) and Trixie,
And beyond them is Mabel and Tori. Very hard to get Tori to stay still for a photo.
Mable and Tori (the tortie)
They are below Virgo who has had her second curtain removed. She was very keen for chicken.

Not to mention Donatella and McQueen. Arlo was sitting on top of Annie today. Usually he pushes her to the front of the hammock. She is the shy one. He loves cuddles. Go figure.

Arlo behind Annie

1 comment:

  1. Hope Charlie and Champ get fostered again. They are such sweeties.
