Saturday, December 2, 2023

Adoption Tails: Jolene, Phantom

1 day

1 day: She took a while to eat and drink but she’s now regularly eating. She’s settled in very quickly and was exploring/playing. She has used her litter box to pee but hasn’t gone poo yet. She’s been renamed Jolyne.

Her owner’s apartment had a water pipe burst and they needed to sleep elsewhere for the night. They ended up finding a pet-friendly place but the water incident scared Jolyne.

2 days: Her owner had to make a last-minute trip to their home country to sort out some things so Jolyne came to board at SAFE for about a week.

Boarding Jolyne/Jolene

Around 2 weeks: Jolyne is doing well. “She’s been an angel with the litterbox” but has had a few issues with dragging pee outside her litterbox and vomiting. She’s still being active and eating well.

Around 2.5 weeks: “She’s fine now! Behaving as per normal and extra cuddly”

1 month: She’s doing much better and “she loves eating”. She’s really cheeky nowadays and keeps zooming around and playfully bites her owner. Her owner visits her home country frequently so she’ll come back to SAFE from time to time.

1 month

Phantom (renamed Sprout)

1 day: He’s settling in really well. He is eating his two meals a day and is using his new litter tray. He has spent the last day playing with ribbons and taking naps. He has been renamed Sprout.

1 day
 1 week: Sprout is doing very well. He has started exploring parts of the house and is very fond of the kitchen. “He is very loved, and loves a lot back - we can hear him purring a room away. He’s a little shadow, and a very good boy who loves a nap while being pet”

1 week
 1 month: “Sprout is very settled in now and enjoys sitting and sleeping next to his new family. He loves playing with his feather toys and mice, and will happily ‘trill’ all day. He greets everyone in the morning with a little meow and will curl his tail around our legs. He is everyone’s little best friend, and we can’t imagine our family without him. No one has eaten a meal in peace since he came home, but we wouldn’t have it any other way”

1 month


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