Sunday, December 3, 2023

Adoption Tails: Simon


1 day: He loves the spare room and has three places to hide and nap. He didn’t touch his dinner last night but ate breakfast and dinner today. He’s used his litter tray perfectly too. “He literally can’t get enough pats and scratches” and he has had half an hour of exercise play today. His owners sat at either end of the room and rolled a tennis ball to each other and he had so much fun chasing it. “When he goes into a sleeping place we take that as a sign he’s had enough, but within hours we’ll hear him meow and we’ll visit and have another pat play session. He seems pretty relaxed, we’re letting him set the pace”.
 When they visited SAFE yesterday, they didn’t intend to fall in love as they recently lost their previous cat. When his owners stood in front of his condo, Simon meowed at them and bunted their hands. Since he spoke up when they were deciding to adopt him, they renamed him Locutus, Latin for ‘the one who speaks’. For short, they’re calling him Locky.
4 days: His first adventure out of his safe room wasn’t a big deal. He’s happily napping while his owners are watching a movie. “Just likes being close to us, we couldn’t feel luckier to have found him”.
  1 week: He has really come out of his shell and sleeps on his owner’s pillow. His owners bought him a scratching post and some more toys, but he “can’t get enough pats”. They had 7 friends come over last night and he was getting pats from everyone before snoozing on the couch next to them. He is very social and loves the den they have made out of the TV cabinet. His owners have said “he’s perfect” and it’s a “match made in heaven”. “We appreciate him so much”.
one month
 1 month: “He was way too playful for either of us to keep up, so we got him a brother to play with”. His new sibling, Ninja, is three months younger and they play chase games, wrestle, and play with toys. “It’s a riot. He couldn’t be more spoiled. He’s a pretty happy boy, so much more affectionate now.”
2 months


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