Thursday, December 21, 2023

Pre Christmas Chaos

 Katie's cats have all gone home so their condos needed to be cleaned. And more boarders have come and gone, so their condos needed to be cleaned. The bin of bowls and litter trays from Better Row were missed (sorry tomorrow's crew). PC and Pippa the kitten have been moved to Welfare area so more condos needed to be cleaned.

Boarding is about 70% full. We have Geoff's Anya who is not particularly happy but is interested in what is going on.

In the Nursery, two of Gracie's kittens went to the vet. The boy was absolutely fine but the girl could not get the feel of her Elizabethan collar. When put into the condo she immediately rolled over and played dead!

By dinner time she had recovered enough to eat and I couldn't tell which boy had been to the vet because he was fed before he left the vet.

Pickles kittens are charming the vollies.

I think two of them are all black so don't photograph well.

At dinner time, three of Elsa's had escaped when there was nobody around except a vollie who stayed for the afternoon to play with the cats and think about practicing her English. Luckily she was in the kitchen to shut the door of the Nursery. When I came with food, it was easy enough to catch the kittens and pop them back with their mum. I don't like my chances of doing so well if Elsa escaped!



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